A trip flatboat is sailing through the Svatojánské (St. John's) Rapids towards the town of Štěchovice. They are passing the Záhoří Hotel, the rocks Velký Bednář and Mařenka, the Ferdinand´...
A group of men is sailing on a big flatboat through the St. Johann's Rapids; some of the men are rowing. Scout camp on the embankment of the Vltava River, a few canoes anchored by the riverside. Over ...
Near the town of Hluboká and its famous chateau timbermen are cutting down trees to be used for raft construction. One of the rafts, being approximately 50 m long and constructed at the Šafař const...
a barge on the Vltava River
Ferdinand´s s Column
a statue of St John of Nepomuk
a barge at the hotel Záhoří